For visionaries, entrepreneurs & startups

Create your free business profile. Include as much or as little detail as you like but make sure you really pitch your startup vision! We'll help you understand what makes a great pitch.

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Step 1 - Create your profile

When you register with us, you’ll be asked about your startup vision, what kind of business you're building.

Step 2 - Post your sweat equity opportunity

Tell other members about yourself, your startup, your experience, equity on offer and what type of talent you’re looking for to complement your own set of talents.

Step 3 - Respond to applicants

You'll be notified whenever someone expresses an interest in your opportunity - just log in to see their details and contact them directly.

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Useful resources

Helpful articles for first time founders

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How to manage remote teams as a startup founder

Savvy businesses understand that getting the right people is more important than their location...

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How joining a startup accelerator programme can help your business

An accelerator program is a supportive ecosystem for early-stage startups...

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What makes an equity crowdfunding raise successful?

Interested in equity crowdfunding to raise funds for your business?

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Hiring your first employee as a small business

All the things to consider when hiring your first employee as a new founder...

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